Thursday, 9 June 2011

As I stand on the edge of my embattled illusions

I've recently rediscovered my love for my sewing machine - it's weird how you don't realise how much you miss something. Anyway, I've had great fun making some bunting, which I hope you like. Both are now available online, I keep planning more, but maybe I shouldn't get too carried away!

While I had the machine out, I had a go at making a headband - I've been meaning to try for ages, but there are so many lovely ones around at the moment, this seems a little lacklustre in comparison - I love the fabric though. I've also just ordered myself a pattern to make a blouse too, which I'm really excited about starting. 

(Sorry about the photos, my camera lens is messing around like crazy at the moment and not focusing, which is a really pain in the ass! Also my face wasn't enjoying being photographed, so you'll have to imagine how it looks on!)

 These are few new pieces now available
And a few new custom pieces...

I apologise, my brain seems to have momentarily stopped function, and nothing I type seems to make sense, so I'll stop! Have a lovely evening all x


  1. oh I love the headband! is that your own pattern? xx

  2. Thank you:) Yeah, I just sort of had a go! xx

  3. I love the second lot of bunting, the newspaper material is so fun! I wish I had time to do more crafty things.

    Hope you're well :) x

  4. Really love the bunting! That butterfly pendant is gorgeous as well, will you be making more? x


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